Oct 22, 2019
Today on the show we welcome Cortlon Cofield, the Owner & Lead Advisor of Cofield Advisors LLC, to talk about entrepreneurship and financial independence. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) who has dedicated his career to helping entrepreneurs and creatives achieve financial clarity and peace of mind. Services like Business Advisors, Financial Advisors, and Accountants are all under one roof, making Cofield Advisors a one-stop-shop for all financial services. Their mission is to save entrepreneurs time and money by providing tax planning and financial planning guidance year-round.
In this episode, you’ll hear Cortlon talk about ditching his 9-5 to start his own business, the importance of financial independence, and how you can achieve success through consistent action.
Key Takeaway: Your mindset is the foundation for your success with money. When you start taking pride in what you do, how you bring value to others, and all that you can achieve, wealth will be inevitable.
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Paychecks & Balances
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Cortlon Cofield, CPA
Website: www.cofieldadvisors.com
Instagram: @cofield_advisor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cofieldadvisors/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/cortlon91
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cortlon-cofield-cpa-pfs-ba109732/